Mastodon Mermaid - Art Print – NV ART
Zoom Art Print of the artwork "Mermaid". Original illustration is made with watercolor by Nata Vedana.
Zoom Mermaid - Art Print
Zoom Mermaid - Art Print

Mermaid - Art Print


Art Print of the artwork "Mermaid"

Inspired by the photo by Alexandra Bochkareva; model Olga Moskvina.

  • Size: 28x30 cm (14,9x11,8 inch)
  • Paper: Design paper 300 g - textured, similar to watercolor
  • Original illustration is made with watercolor.

All work displayed on this site is © Nata_Vedana owned.

Art Print of the artwork "Mermaid". Original illustration is made with watercolor by Nata Vedana.

Mermaid - Art Print
